
Pump It Up!!!

Published by Julia Gordon
May 20th 2010, 7:50pm

As we near the end of the season, we're definitely seeing a lot of school spirit... and, well A LOT of DANCING!!!

East Coast Relays was off the hook with the amount of dancing that was going on... Which left me thinking, "Don't these kids have a race to run!?!"  

While I sat there contemplating this question I started to recall what motivated me before races during my high school years.  I often relaxed with my IPOD and listened to motivational songs that got me pumped up for the forthcoming race.  Even though these songs helped me get into a racing mood, I segregated myself completely from others and often this led me to overanalyzing the race at hand and I would end up psyching myself out.

I'm not saying that this is the case for everyone, but I vividly recall that the races where I relaxed a little more I ended up doing better in.  This often included jogging in place or jumping around to a pump up song right before getting on the starting line, talking with my teammates, or just trusting that my fitness was there and thinking about something else for a split second before the race went off.

I know that most runners can recall a time that they did poorly in a race because they thought way too much about it.  Maybe their fitness was there and they had done all the training needed to race well, but they ended up completely psyching themselves out.  

So maybe dancing before a race has a purpose after all?  I'm starting to think that maybe a little light dancing does :)  Especially after a girl approached me during East Coast Relays and said that she had PR'd in the 800m by 5 seconds (2:30 to 2:25!!!) after a little dancing aboard the Spike Bus :)  Now I'd like to think my mad DJ skills did the trick, but I know that chances are likely that she left more relaxed and loose and this led her to her PR. :)

I've got questions!  What helps you race well? Do you have a special pre-race song?  If so, what?  Has the Spike Bus music helped you to a PR?!?  If so, it was Julia DJ-ing the music... riiiight!?! ;)

Make sure to leave your answer in the comment section below!

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