
Let's Get Creative!

Published by Julia Gordon
Dec 7th 2010, 6:31pm
Yay Awesome Graphics!

Many of you have probably seen the newly posted "Nike Spike Bus Graphic Contest" on the front page of our Runnerspace site!  

It'd be an understatement to say that I am VERY excited about this contest :)

Anyone that's seen me on the bus knows that I'm addicted to creativity, awesome-ness, and artsy junk!  Throughout the season I've fully annoyed Dexter and Tom by spending my days painting designs on kids bags, knitting scarves out of shoe laces, and hosting poster design contests complete with plenty of glitter!

Thankfully they put up with me all season long and luckily that resulted in the formation of the Nike Spike Bus Graphic Contest!

Now I don't want to brag, but the entire thing was completely my idea :) It came to me on the cold Novembers eve...  I was asleep in my gorgeous loft apartment in Manhattan when I woke suddenly from a terrifyingly awesome dream.  The dream involved hundreds of dancing "Spike-icorns" singing a song about being an overworked awesome graphic.  Alas, this is sadly true.  The "Spike-icorn" as well as many of our awesome graphics having been feeling overworked as of late.  Its not their fault that they are sooooooooo awesome and sooooooooo good looking!

As I woke from the dream I was certain of one thing... That these graphics needed a well deserved break!!!  Of course they'll still be around, but they need a new friend to help them out a bit!

And with that, I alone solely came up with the Nike Spike Bus Graphic Contest! ;)  Haha.

Okay, okay, maybe it wasn't just me. :)  Either way, the contest is here and AWESOME!

I've always had a hard time combining my passion for the arts and my athletic side, so I'm really stoked for a contest that involves running AND art :)

I'm anxious to see all the entries!  If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me at [email protected]!


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